
The Circle of Consciousness- A Founders Story

A Journey of Transformation

Every great vision begins with a personal awakening. For me, that awakening came through what I now call the Circle of Consciousness – a transformative journey from self-discovery, to collective connection, to universal awareness, and back again.

The Power of I: Personal Awakening

My journey began where many do – with personal transformation. Through meditation and intention, I watched my reality transform in ways that defied conventional possibility. From chronic illness to vibrant health, from scarcity to abundance, from toxic relationships to loving partnerships – it was truly a story of moving from nothing to everything.

The evidence of our creative power manifested daily in my life. Business opportunities appeared from nowhere, healing occurred against all odds, and synchronicities became my normal experience. Through dedicated practice, I witnessed how focused intention could collapse energy into matter, turning thought into tangible reality. Each miracle strengthened my understanding: we are natural creators of our experience.

In my deepest meditations, seeking answers about my life’s purpose, I discovered something profound: transformation begins not with wanting, but with being. We don’t attract what we want – we attract what we are. This realization fundamentally shifted my approach to personal growth and manifestation.

The Power of We: Collective Transformation

As my own life transformed, I discovered something even more remarkable: when we shift our focus from ourselves to others, resistance dissolves and manifestation accelerates. Modern research validates this paradox – acts of kindness and altruism trigger powerful neurochemicals like oxytocin and serotonin, benefiting not just the receiver but profoundly impacting the giver’s wellbeing.

In countless meditation and intention groups of just 6-10 people, I witnessed the impossible become routine:

  • Physical Healings: People recovering from chronic conditions
  • Animal Miracles: Pets healing from terminal diagnoses
  • Business Transformations: Companies flourishing without changing strategies
  • Abundance Flows: Unexpected opportunities manifesting for participants
  • Emotional Breakthroughs: Deep trauma releasing through group coherence

One of my most profound early experiences came through working with a spiritual teacher who would meditate with me, elevating my frequency to access higher states of consciousness. Like tuning a musical instrument, once my body experienced these elevated states, it could more easily return to them. This same principle operates in group meditation – our collective energy raises each individual’s frequency, making deeper states more accessible to all.

The Power of All: Universal Connection

Through deepening practice, I experienced states of consciousness that revealed our true nature. In profound meditation, I became everything and simultaneously nothing – experiencing myself as the very space between all things. This wasn’t just a mystical experience; it was a direct knowing of our interconnected reality.

This expanded awareness showed me that we are each a fractal of the whole – like a hologram, where each part contains and affects the entirety. The implications are profound: to experience peace in the world, we must become peace. To manifest love globally, we must embody love completely. As we elevate our personal vibration to these higher frequencies, we automatically lift the collective field, making lower vibrational states of conflict and suffering increasingly unsustainable.

Yet this understanding also brought a critical realization: our collective attention holds immense creative power, but we often unconsciously direct it toward what we don’t want. Millions simultaneously absorbing negative news cycles or scrolling through problem-focused social media creates a form of unintended group meditation. However, this same power can be consciously redirected – if small groups could create such profound impact, what might humanity achieve through unified, conscious intention toward positive transformation?

The ALLTRUEistic Vision

This understanding gave birth to ALLTRUEistic. Like ancient alchemists who transformed lead into gold, we are all natural “altruists” – beings capable of transforming both ourselves and our world through conscious intention. Just as a higher frequency naturally elevates lower frequencies around it, our personal evolution contributes to humanity’s evolution.

The journey isn’t linear – some begin seeking personal growth, others feeling called to service, and some awakening to global vision. What matters is recognizing our interconnection and embracing our power as conscious creators. When we elevate ourselves, we elevate the whole. When we join together in conscious intention, we amplify our creative power exponentially.

ALLTRUEistic exists as a bridge between individual awakening and collective transformation. It’s a tool for:

  • Personal alchemy – transforming your individual reality
  • Group coherence – amplifying intentional creation
  • Global evolution – consciously shaping humanity’s future

Through daily practice, intentional connection, and collective coherence, we’re creating a new paradigm of conscious evolution. This is the journey we invite you to join – a journey that begins with “I,” expands to “We,” embraces “All,” and returns us to ourselves, forever changed.

Tiffani Churchill Founder, ALLTRUEistic